Tuesday 10 July 2012

all the shades of grey 31.05.2012

Some say it takes strength to want what you like but I think it takes more strength to walk away from something that you want.

Sometimes for the reason that you know that it isn't right, it isn't for you or maybe it's just not good for you... and sometimes you know that there can't be any good derived from it or that there will never be a happy ending from it... If that was the case, why do we make ourselves go through the turmoil?... what is the point to waste all these energy and invest all the emotion into it?

I remember reading a recent article about when your eyes are too focused on the ball, you may miss the gorilla in the room... I still remember when they played the 'invisible gorilla' video in one of my management classes, I was too focused on the ball that I missed the gorilla (much like 40% of the studies participants). Perhaps as humans we are not so good at multitasking after all...

What happened to the life of simplicity, i miss how there's either you are a in relationship or that you are not. love is as simple as black and white. But as we live in the modern times where life has so much temptations, we fight for our freedom, and we live by being individuals. No one appreciates simplicity and traditions anymore. We have somehow created all these shades of grey... sometimes its even hard to keep up with all the terminologies... friends with benefits, f**k buddies, something but nothing, kind of talking, had a first date, maybe something, dating but not seeing, having an affair... who knows! It just seems like relationships and commitment is definitely what everyone is running away from and it's a term that I hear less and less of.

But is grey what we truly what?

I watched an Italian movie called 'I am love' and within it, the main character lives in a perfect family in Milan where the wealth is overwhelming and the unity of the family was very powerful. But something distracts her, the flame of love that burns within her which was expressed in her love for cooking (and subsequently other things). This love ignites and it changes everything - her family, her lifestyle, her identify, her priority, her life choices...

It almost seems like: so what if I have everything, there's no point if I dont have mad passionate love...

Perhaps we all know what we truly want within us but it is our fear or society's views that has distracted us and we steered off course... It seems like if everyone is doing it, why don't I join in? But we often forget that when we steer off course, there's no warning sound to alert us... It's suppose to be our conscious and our values that keeps us on track...

They say variety is the spice of life but maybe we are creating too many categories of grey relationships that we are getting burnt by them.

Perhaps I was left behind as it seems like i'm still a romantic where the current world only wants speed, results and all the grey matters... and for I, just miss the black and white and the simplicity of it all...

1 comment:

  1. http://soundcloud.com/serranocarlos/jay-z-vs-lana-del-rey-national-empire-carlos-serrano-mix
