Friday 6 April 2012

The grief of the I do

I do…

3 letters, 2 little words, 1 big meaning…

But what does it mean:
A really expensive piece of jewelry?
Your financial wealth has substantially increased?
The end of lonely nights?
The joining of two families?
I suppose what it’s suppose to ultimately mean - to be with the person you love til death do you apart…

As I was one minute away from attending a wedding reception, I hear the news that my ex of 5 years got engaged. My friends all found out at the wedding ceremony which I didn’t attend. I went from chirpy, outgoing self to instant silence. It’s not that I’m surprised, I was shocked and I didn’t know how to respond to that… I allowed the roller coaster of emotions to hit me and I tried mask it with the over-the-top smiles and laughter.

As I arrived at the reception and see the man that I use to love so deeply, it seems like we are the perfect strangers now. During the 4 hours that I endured sitting on the same table. Our conversation only got as far as the standard: “hello, how are you?” The same conversation that I have with my building maintenance guy whenever I see him (I don’t even know his name)… How do you go from the status of a family member to the status of a building maintenance guy?

According to psychologists, there are 5 stages of grief and I observed myself going through each and one of them

1)   Denial
This is the inbuilt self defense mechanism that we all have when it comes to dealing with bad news. No! This cannot be! – I got through this stage pretty quickly by asking a few more friends to confirm the news.

2)   Anger
I suppose I was angry… I kept thinking to myself what an idiot he was - since when did lower your standards become an aim after a break up? I think by hating his decision - that was the anger within me. I did not believe they could be ‘in love’ (I still some what doubt it) and I suppose I was angry at him for not taking time to be in grief (like me!)

In this stage, you normally need to ask yourself who are you angry at? Am I angry at him for wanting to marry someone else? Am I angry at the girl for luring him to her? Am I angry at his parents for allowing this to happen when 6 months ago they told me they still wanted to see us get back together?

3)   Bargaining
I think this is the most embarrassing stage to admit to. This is the stage where I doubt why I broke up with him in the first place. I keep thinking maybe I should have tried harder. If I gave up my personality and changed all my values and who I aspire to be, then we can get back together. Maybe if I moved back to China and be a housewife that he always wanted, we can get back together. Maybe If I told him I accept all his flaws and I will be happy to get engaged/married immediately, he will leave that girl for me…?

This is probably the most difficult for me… and it quickly leaded to the next stage (and this is the worst).

4)   Depression
After the previous 3 stages, you start to realize it ‘really’ has come to an end, and we deal with depression. This was not easy as I was in front of over 100 people and many common friends. There were uni friends that I haven’t seen for a long time (many were engaged/married) and asked me where was my boyfriend. I responded by saying we broke up and answered a few more questions about my ex who was literally standing 2meters away.

This was hard. Whenever the live band came on and sang slow love songs, I desperately wanted to cry. I coped by distracting myself with avalanches of  texts to my friends for comfort. I also couldn’t let him see that I was upset so I laughed, sang and put on such a good show of how happy I am and how much I am enjoying myself. And whenever I heard a love song that reminded me of the time we shared, I would just walk outside and smoked outside by myself like I was some kind of addict (I actually had no desire to smoke but really needed the excuse).

It was only when at the end of ‘Jason Mraz - I’m yours’ and as the last words of the song “this is our fate” and the candle in front of me blew out… I knew that it is true… although he was sitting diagonally opposite me, we couldn’t be more distant in our separate worlds and maybe this is our fate…

5)   Acceptance
Some days I feel like I am at this stage and other day I feel like I’m just doing  the tango with the previous 4 stages. On the day when I found out his engagement, I reached this stage close to the end of the night. Like Nelson Mandela once said “resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping that it will kill your enemy”. That’s how I felt for most of the night. But I have come to the fact that people move on. I was the one who chose to walk out of his life, and I hurt him so badly. I remember when he told me about how hurt he was, how I shattered all his dreams and hope for the future, how the pain that he endured was beyond words, and how he lived in our apartment and everything reminded him of me… Why am I like this? He has finally found his joy and happiness and moved on from the pain and suffering… I should be happy for him! If I didn’t want to marry him, why should I be so selfish to not allow him to marry someone else?
At one stage, he was everything that I ever asked for and more. At some stages of our relationship, we were deeply in love beyond words can describe. “People change. Feelings change. It doesn’t mean that the love once shared wasn’t true and real. It simply just means that sometimes when people grow, they grow apart”.

I suppose I’m just afraid… afraid to fall in love again, afraid to ‘grow apart’ again, afraid that perhaps I’ll never meet someone like him, afraid that perhaps no body would love me as much as he once did, afraid that I would never share that bond with someone. I suppose I was young and could do the whole ‘crazy stupid love’ thing, but now it’s almost like I am so jaded that I don’t even know what love is anymore…

I read up about this stage and it said: “believe it or not, at the end of all of this, you will eventually reach a day when you have accepted the situation. No matter how many times you passed back and forth between the stages listed above, you will one day find that those stages are finally done. You will think of your ex or even run into him or be friends with her again and you will no longer feel angry or sad. You will no longer be trying to fix things or wishing that things were different or trying to get back what you once had or blaming the other person for things going wrong. You will have accepted that things were the way they were, the situation ended as it did, you grew as a person and its all okay. It feels like you will never get to this as you go through the trauma of a breakup but eventually, believe it or not, if you’ve dealt properly with the other four stages of grief then you really will get to this one. Hang in there!”

Some things just need time… no one ever said it was going to be easy, but it will definitely be worth it… and perhaps some day… I will be the one to say I do… but until then I do wish him for the all the joy and happiness in the world…

It’s like that quote from the descendants: good bye my love, my friend, my pain, my joy…

I sent him a text the next day to congratulate him on his engagement… 

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