Wednesday 11 April 2012

Just another piece of yesterday...

After a brief lunch, I'm all broken and shattered once again... It's almost like I've instantly forgottten what I've built, what made me happy and what was important to me... instantly everything that I've learnt didn't matter anymore and my peripheral vision has become my only vision... the flashbacks, the pain (oh the pain) just all rushed back and the tears shortly followed...

How many times can you break up with one person? How long does it take til I feel nothing and free?

 So at 5am in the morning, I looked up the break up rules (it's time for some action!)

Rule 1: The time it will take you to get over your relationship is equal to the total time you spent together
This rule sucks! But I suppose when you have endured/experienced so much, you can't expect to 'recover' after 2 weeks (I know some people do) and most people take a bit longer. 
The time rule is probably nature's way of making sure we don't put ourselves in the way of danger from opportunist, unsuitable lovers before we're emotionally equipped to deal with them. I know I don't want a rebound, an experience that's doomed to fail. Hopefully, the time I allow myself to heal will allow me not to make the same mistakes again.

Rule 2: Lie when necessary
They say the best revenge is to let them think you are happier without them no matter how much pain you are in. I am terrible at faking it and definitely require fine-tuning of my acting skills. 
"The fact that you're radiating happiness, even if you're feeling shattered inside, is the sort of news that travels back to your ex with gratifying speed. And, if you're up to it, dropping a few tantalising hints about your (fictional) gorgeous true love will add the finishing touch. There's nothing as effective as looking as though you're moving on...even when you aren't."

I'm not sure how this helps... but there has been a lot of rumours about this fictional gorgeous true love of mine... not sure what he looks like in real person though...

Rule 3: Avoid shopping
Apparently emotional shopping is bad (really? my credit card bill would have told me this)... Any major purchases should be avoided as this may lead to regret lateron. I haven't done so badly on this one, I still justify that every item I purpose is/was a necessity item

Rule 4: Think of your ex constantly
It is a fact that the minute that you stop thinking of them, is the most likely chance that they will appear. It would be the time when you decide to wear a jumper to love machine with minimal make up or the day you decided to go to work with unwashed hair and wearing flats. It is essential that you look drop-dead gorgeous at all times when you venture out... 

Rule 5: Don't go it alone
If anything I've learnt today is that no matter how embarrassing or weird or upset, we're lost if we don't confide in our friends. And I am grateful to have such amazing friends, I realized that I have an awesome foursom:
One would buy me a funny sad book trying to make me smile - initially I felt more like crying than anything else but it's the thought and gesture that I appreciated. And the book was funny later on.
One would listen to my profanities and allow me to rant as much as I could whilst feeding me chocolate. I loved the constantly agreement of what I was saying.
One would clear out her own problems and listen to everything I have to say and tell me that everything's going to be ok and let me know that I am loved.
The last but not least, one would help me to see things in a new perspective and made me understand what was said and why... and helped me to understand why I was angry or upset...

Without my friends, I don't think I could even get up this morning....

“I was full of a hot, powerful sadness and would have loved to burst into the comfort of tears, but tried hard not to, remembering something my Guru once said -- that you should never give yourself a chance to fall apart because, when you do, it becomes a tendency and it happens over and over again. You must practice staying strong, instead.”- Eat Pray Love

So I stay strong, for I am grateful for everything I have and I stay true and happy to myself... today, tomorrow and always...

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